Every system of medicine has its unique philosophy. It has its own ways to treat diseases. Like how different religions lead us to the same god, these different systems of medicines were all designed for the same reason – to protect mankind from diseases and help them lead a healthy and happy life. Hence this write up is not an effort to demean any medical systems. It is just a comparison of the working mechanisms of two different systems of medicine. One that is always obsessed with trials, tests and evidence and another which is evolutionary, is an old as human civilization itself and has an answer to almost every question.
Allopathy or modern medicine is definitely the most scientific system. It receives the most funding globally by a huge margin for research, product development and experiments. Most allopathic medicines complete a multiple level of lab tests starting from molecular experiments, then animal tests and multiple phases of placebo controlled human trials. This makes it a system of medicine established in science and technology. As a result of this obsession with experiments and laboratory research Allopathy has evolved as evidence based medical science.
Allopathic medicines are also designed to specifically cure a particular illness. Unlike Ayurveda which considers five elements and three Tridoshas, Allopathy works with all existing elements and molecules. The medicines recommended in Allopathy are designed to act at a molecular or atomic level and hence can offer immediate solution for many illnesses.
The use of highly advanced technologies also means Allopathy has been more successful in curing emergency cases and critical illnesses. Even many propagators of other medicinal systems choose Allopathy for their own treatment if the condition is very critical because of the latest technology and advance methods available for the practitioners of this system.
Despite the advantages modern medicines have in terms of so called evidence, science and technology, the system does have its own limitations. For example, Allopathy is considered the safest system for the management of diabetes but most allopathic drugs which help in management of diabetes cause damages to the kidneys. Many diabetes patients develop kidney disorders after consuming medications for the best part of their lifetime. Despite being a system which proudly wears ‘evidence based medicine’ on its sleeve Allopathic medicines has failed to provide evidence for being free from adverse side effects for most of its medications.
Another major limitation of allopathy is it completely ignores the psycho-somatic nature of diseases. The role of the human mind in helping to recover from diseases is completely ignored. Every medicine is prescribed according to molecular and biological reactions and the ability of the mind to change the reactions happening in one’s own body is completely ignored in this system.
Allopathic medicines are also on most occasions prepared by using processed chemicals. The use of natural or herbal ingredients is very rare. So there are certain limitations to this system despite the many advantages.
One of the major limitations of Ayurvedic medicines was that it banked on its 5000 year old history and not on scientific laboratory evidences. This has been changing rapidly, thanks to the increased on attention Ayurveda in recent years. Many scientific researches are being carried out on Ayurvedic preparations this includes clinical human trials for many complex and life threatening diseases like covid-19 and slowly most Ayurvedic medicines are being established as evidence based medicine.
The second problem which existed in India was many practitioners of Ayurveda back in 1947 did not have formal education. These uncertified doctors at times prescribed medicines with their traditional knowledge which at times added to the discomforts of the beneficiaries instead of curing them. Now 70+ years since independence, Ayurveda also has its own colleges and the country has millions of Ayurvedic doctors who have formal education and can match their allopathic counterparts in protocols.
In the 21st Century more and more Ayurvedic doctors are using latest lab technologies to identify disease and cure it with Ayurvedic medicines. This adaptation to use the latest medical equipment for diagnosis has put Ayurveda on par with modern medicine in terms of technology. The increased adaptation to technology can help Ayurvedic practitioners deal with critical and emergency cases in the future.
Ancient Ayurvedic seers like Charaka and Sushruta performed a variety of surgeries. They might have been the first doctors ever to perform such complex surgeries. Ayurvedic doctors of today do not perform such complicated surgeries giving away a major advantage to modern medicine. There are attempts at Government and pressure group level to get back the days of Charaka and Sushruta to Ayurveda. But the thing about Ayurveda is on many occasions where Allopathy opts for surgery, Ayurveda would cure without one. For example, if you visit an allopathic doctor with piles, complex and painful treatments like banding, sclerotherapy and surgeries are amongst the recommended cures. Ayurveda treats it with medicated oils, herbal creams and oral medicines with equal effect.
Unlike, Allopathy Ayurveda treats all diseases as psychosomatic disorders. The effects of the mind, karma, body’s nature and environment are considered before suggesting treatment by Ayurvedic doctors. This ensures overall nourishment.
Ayurvedic medicines also are known to have lesser side effects because of the attempt to improve overall health rather than relieve a specific symptom. Every medicine is Ayurveda acts as an overall health enhancer with specific action on the disease and not limited only to the later.
Ayurveda offers overall wellbeing and improved health while Allopathy on many occasions is limited to symptom management. Restoring balance in the body and mind will be key obsession of an Ayurvedic doctor and not limited to relief from the specific discomfort.
Many people believe Ayurveda is only a preventive immunity booster, this is not the case. In reality Ayurveda can treat a host of diseases. Many ayurvedic medicines have specific actions to cure certain diseases but at the same time they also restore balance in body and improve overall health. The truth is Ayurvedic medicines will not be limited to symptom management but offers a bit more.
Allopathy and Ayurveda has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the individual to decide which one will suit his or her needs. One is not inferior to the other, though there are areas were one outsmarts the other. They are parallel systems which can work together to help mankind. None of it is quackery.