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Published 13 Mar 2018

Ginger garlic paste in cooking

Dr. Pampa Shankar
Table Of Contents
Ginger and garlic, the miraculous herbs are blessed with the boon of healing a number of health problems. This simple to make and easy to store spice enhances the taste and aroma of any food many folds. It is an ancient Indian recipe for taste and health that has been passed on from generations to generations.  With modern life taking a toll on our health these simple healing kitchen ingredients are gaining high popularity. Whether it’s curing a simple cold or preventing the mighty cancer ginger garlic paste acts as armour for many ails. What’s hidden in the cloves of Garlic? The many centuries old flavoring agent is much more than just a food ingredient. This therapeutic herb contains over 33 sulfur compounds, 17 amino acids and many essential enzymes. Garlic exhibits amazing anti-thrombosis, anti-microbial, anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering activities. It is ladened with rich anti-inflammation properties and acts as a triple threat against infections, offering antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.  How deep-rooted is Ginger? Since ancient times, ginger has been used for its medicinal attributes and as a flavouring spice condiment. This mystic herb contains more than 400 different compounds that contribute to several health aids. Ginger is ladened with incredible phenolic compounds such as gingerol, shogaol and paradol which has antioxidant, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties. Many Benefits of Ginger Garlic Paste Controls High Blood Pressure Regular consumption of crushed garlic helps in lowering high blood pressure. Ginger blocks the voltage-dependent calcium channels that regulate blood flow and thus controls high blood pressure. Helps in Digestion The antibacterial property of ginger garlic paste helps in digestion of food and reduces gastric ulcers, diarrhea, and stomach ache. Also, ginger plays an important role in protecting the gastrointestinal tract and preventing digestion and gastric troubles. Reduces Pain and Inflammation The anti-inflammatory properties treat inflamed tissues and reduce pain. Garlic is also useful in relieving tooth pain, migraines, back pain, muscle pain, and arthritis. Relieves Chest And Nasal Congestion The constituents of ginger garlic paste have the ability to loosen phlegm and relieve nasal congestion thereby soothing a sore throat and aching muscles. Garlic is considered a powerful antibiotic and immune strengthener. It is usually recommended for treating cold and flu symptoms. Prevents Cancer Ginger contains pungent elements like gingerol and paradol that exhibits cancer-preventive properties. It contains an active anti-carcinogenic element called diallyl sulfide that inhibits the growth of tumors.  Regular consumption of ginger garlic paste acts as a preventive measure against several types of cancer. Detoxifies the Body The antioxidant properties of fresh ginger garlic paste is an effective agent for detoxing. It is a strong agent for relaxing the body and boosting immunity. It also rejuvenates and energizes the body for a long work day.  The tantalizing effects of ginger garlic paste along with its enchanting list of health benefits definitely make it one of the most important items in the grocery list. This simple cheap herb is more effective than many of the costly doses wrapped in capsules.
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