
Health Benefits Of Jyothishmati Taila

jyothishmati taila

A mere piece of scrambled paper is not enough to judge the true potency of any individual. As vivid as his world, vivid is his imagination and art of work. Encouraging the feeble minded and acknowledging the strong-willed, Jyothismati taila is a perfect ally that accompanies one in their way to success.

Jyothismati taila is an ancient Ayurvedic herb, used for immense health benefits. Be it making an impression with an astounding memory or awing the world with the evident cognitive functions, Jyothismati taila helps you in becoming the star of the cluster.

Its efficiency in treating neurological diseases and pain disorders including muscle cramps, backache, sciatica, osteoarthritis, facial paralysis, and paralysis has been hailed by all ages and sages.

Just 2 weeks of regular consumption of Jyothismati is sufficient to experience evidential results on enhanced memory, eyesight, cognition, and mental alertness. It is also effective in digestive disorders such as loss of appetite, constipation, abdominal distension etc.

Health Benefits:

Improving Intellect
Jyothismati acts on acetylcholine level in the brain that enhances the cognition. It helps in improving intellect and has shown potent results in improving concentration, alertness, and other cognitive functions.

Memory Power
Jyothismati is a great memory booster herb that drastically improves the recall and retention span. Jyothismati taila has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners since ages to deal with forgetfulness and memory disorders. Its potent antioxidant, neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing effect prevents cell damage in the brain and prevents memory disorders like dementia.

Neurodegenerative Diseases
Jyothismati taila is known for its neuroprotective effects as its antioxidant action that helps in reducing the oxidative damage of the neurons. According to Ayurveda, Jyothismati taila is a nervine stimulant and is used to induce alertness, improves concentration, reduces the rate of cell death of neurons, improves the ability of thinking and reasoning and helps to tackle stress disorders.

The antilipidemic effect of Jyothismati taila reduces atherogenic index and cholesterol levels. Its anti-inflammatory property helps reducing inflammation of blood vessels thereby inhibiting the progress of atherosclerotic lesions.

Jyothismati taila is blessed with antinociceptive characteristic and anti-inflammatory property that helps in reducing joint inflammation and joint pain. Its thermogenic action induces heat sensation in the body and is specially used during winters to regulate temperature.

Blessed with aphrodisiac, erectogenic and stimulant actions, Jyotishmati is used to treat impotence.


Sleepless nights are the health’s best enemy. It not only triggers tiredness, fatigue but also increases stress, anxiety, depression and opens the door to several mental disorder. Lack of sleep sucks the vigour and zest of a person making him dull and boring. Jyotishmati has an antistress and calming effect which ensures blissful sound sleep.

Jyotishmati Oil promotes easier menstruation and reduces menstrual cramps. It is a good remedy for primary and secondary dysmenorrhea.

Jyotishmati Oil is rich in Vitamin B1 that is necessary to combat Beriberi, a deficiency disease caused by lack of Vitamin B1.

Knee Pain
Jyotishmati Taila is traditionally used in Ayurvedic Abhyanga for knee pain treatment because of its soothing capabilities in reducing pain, joint crepitation, inflammation, and stiffness. It also improves joint movement and strengthens the joints.

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