

What if it was possible to boost your immunity with your breath? In Yoga control over your breath is critical to your spiritual and material wellbeing. Kapalbhati is a technique to clear toxins from your body with the help of your breath.

Kapalbhati Pranayama is a powerful breathing exercise that helps balance the Tridoshas and maintain the body in a perfect state of equilibrium. Kapalbhati literally means forehead shining. It might also refer to the activation of Ajna Chakra which would lead to the highest intelligence and prosperity.

Kapalbhati Pranayama was designed in a way to exhale the toxins in our body just by breathing out. Thus detoxifying our body and enhancing our health. This is why this ancient practice can be considered as an Immunity Booster.



In a paper titled “YOGA EFFECT TO SYSTEM IMMUNE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW” published in a conference in Brawijaya University, Indonesia concludes Kapalbhati Pranayama and Yoga can improve Immunity by improving blood circulation, reducing fatigue, reducing stress and improving the physical posture.

Another study by Sung ah Lim and Kwang Jo Cheong in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicines claims an improvement in anti-oxidants in the body resulting in better immunity by the regular practice of Kapalbhati Pranayama and Pranayama emphasized Yoga.



Kapalbhati Pranayama is very beneficial for respiratory health. It improves breathing and keeps most respiratory diseases at bay. Many people with Asthma and similar respiratory issues have benefitted from the regular practice of Kapalbhati.

A study by Colombian researchers Jose Luis Torres and Willian Ferrando Pinzon published in the journal named “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina” concludes that “yoga with an emphasis on pranayama could boost cardiovascular and lung function.” Though not specifically singled out in the conclusion, the Kapalbhati Pranayama was also part of the package that tested to get the result.

Turkish researchers from the University of Erciyes and Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University in their paper titled “Effect of pranayama breathing technique on asthma control, pulmonary function, and quality of life: A single-blind, randomized, controlled trial” noted significant improvements in the lifestyle of asthma patients who practiced Kapalbhati, Ujjayi and Anulom-Vinulom pranayama for a total of 20 minutes for 1 month. Their respiratory health improved with regular practice, the study noted.

A similar enhancement in respiratory health was also noted in a larger 250 subject study conducted by students from Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


1)      Sit in a crossed legged position with the spine erect

2)      Arms to be placed on the thighs facing upwards and eyes closed

3)      Take a deep breath

4)      Breathe out forcefully and in the process pull your navel towards your spine (contract your stomach)

5)      Feel the stretch in the stomach and then as you relax your stomach, air flows in.

6)      Repeat the process. Focus on the exhalation; allow the inhalation to happen naturally.

7)      It is advised to do 20 breaths of Kapalbhati in round; ideally, practice three rounds at a sitting

8)      After one round of 20 breaths, take a break to observe the sensations in your body.




1)      Aids in digestion

2)      Increases Blood Circulation

3)      Improves the absorption of nutrients

4)      Improves brain functioning and functioning of the nervous systems

5)      Helps lose weight

6)      It is helpful for those with diabetes

7)      Helps clear the nadis (spiritual channels in the body)

8)      Helps in hair loss



1)      It is not advisable for women during menstruation due to the stretch on the abdomen

2)      It is not ideal for people who use artificial pacemakers

3)      People with epilepsy or hernia are not recommended for the practice

4)      People who have recently undergone abdominal surgery should refrain from the practice

5)      It is not advised for people with backache due to slipped disks

6)      Pregnant women should not practice Kapalbhati

7)      People with hypertension and Cardiac illness should only practice under the guidance of an expert

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