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Published 08 Jul 2019

Lice Oil For Freedom From Lice

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Leaving the exam hall finishing the last paper in a hurry, I rushed out to grab my mother’s phone and call my cousins to fix the date for the exciting and much awaited cousin’s night over. I wanted to talk about the cute guy in my class, to play the new games my father got me from faraway seas and the most amazing part is staying awake till late in the night fighting and talking.

The date was fixed it was day after tomorrow and I had so much to prepare. The bed in my room was too small to accommodate the five of us. So, I argued and showed every tantrum to get a bunker in my room, so that we all could sleep together.

After much negotiation I got my deals and finally my cousins’ arrived for all the fun in store. We had pizza and noodles and some more amazing snacks all ordered in. After the food round we started playing some games but I lost all of it for I could not keep my hand of my head.

My head was itching so bad that I felt like scratching all around. My sister noticed it and asked if I had lice. I immediately responded no and that it was because my hair was tied for so long.

Then she extended her hand and got the tiny monster crawling in my flicks. It was lice. I knew I had dandruff but lice! I did not even know that I had lice. Probably I got it from the girl who sat next to me during the exams.

Everyone was so disgusted that they cancelled the night out plan because they don’t want to sleep with lice head and get the itchy monsters. I cried a lot but to no vain.

My mother felt very sorry, she knew how excited I was. She took me to an Ayurvedic store Ayurcentral and the doctor there recommended lice oil, dandrall oil to be used alternative days along with Brihatri anti dandruff shampoo.

After just three applications my head was clean of the lice and dandruff but the sorrow in my heart shall never be filled!

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