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Published 01 Aug 2020

Madhumeha kusmakar ras for diabetes management

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Ayurveda is generally not relied upon by people with diabetes. It is there in the public imagination that the constant immediate nourishment required to manage blood sugar levels was not possible with the relatively slow Ayurveda medications. It seems that’s not the case. Busting the biggest urban myths Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited has come up with the Madhumeha Kusmakar Ras, the best diabetes medicine with anti-aging and rejuvenating properties. It is also used to treat leucorrhea and hyperactivity.


Vasant Kusmakar Ras which is made up of 12 select naturally occurring minerals processed in gold is the main ingredient of Shree Dhoopapapeshwar Limited’s Madhumeha Kusmakar Ras tablets.

 Another major ingredient Mamajjaka Ghana is known for its anti-diabetic and antipyretic properties. Noting the impact of the herb on diabetes, studies have been conducted to establish a pharmaceutical standard for the same.

Madhumeha Kusmakar Ras also constitutes of Turmeric which has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps improve brain function and helps in heart diseases. Turmeric also contains bioactive medical compounds and is also has anti-aging properties.

Guduchi or Giloy is used extensively in the treatment of fever, diabetes, urinary tract disorders, anemia, jaundice, asthma, and cardiac disorders constituents a fair the proportion of the drug.

Amla or the Indian Gooseberry, a fruit with all six ayurvedic tastes and almost a standalone complete rejuvenator is also effective in reducing blood sugar levels form an important constituent of the medicine.

The above ingredients along with other ayurvedic exotics like Shilajit and Yashada Bhasma which is effective for the treatment of blindness due to diabetes is processed in Bilva Patra swarasa makes it the best available medicine to treat both type I and type II diabetics and its related complications.

It is also used to improve skin complexion, improve memory, and treat complications arising in the urinary tract. It is also sometimes prescribed for concentration, strength, and immunity.


Madhumeha Kusmakar Ras acts on the Tridosas by balancing the Pitta and Vata aspects. Svarnayuktha Vasanth Kusmakar Ras and the other herbs reduce blood sugar effectively by their Kapha balancing and Meda Pachak effects.

Shilajit and Gudduchi nourish all seven Saptadhatus and hence acts as a total rejuvenator and immunity booster. They nourish the Shukra dhatu and thus help cure diabetic impotency.


  • To manage Diabetes
  • To treat Diabetic Blindness and Diabetic wounds
  • General Debility
  • Improved sensory functions
  • Breathlessness
  • Urinary tract diseases
  • Helps recovery of organs impacted by Diabetes
  • Balances Vata and Pitta
  • Bed Wetting


  • Shree Dhoopapapeshwar’s Madhumeha Kusmakar Ras effectively treats and diabetics and complications that come from diabetes.
  • It helps protect the eyes from the effects of Diabetes, thus improves vision.
  • It reduces blood sugar and urine sugar.
  • Ingredients like Shilajit and Gudduchi helps improve Diabetic Impotency.


It is generally advised to take one or two tablets twice every day. This tablet is strong medicine and hence it is advised to take the advice of an Ayurvedic physician to know your best dosage and suitability.

The drug may react with Allopathy medicines so consult with your doctor. It is advised to take it at least 30 minutes after consumption of Allopathy medicine.

It is safe to take it alongside homeopathy medicines or supplements.


  • So far no side effects have been reported for this medicine 
  • Self-medication of this medicine should be strictly avoided 
  • It is normally prescribed in very lower dosages for children and lactating women 
  • It is best to take a doctor’s advice for usage during pregnancy 
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight for best benefits 
  • It can be taken for up to 6- 8 weeks as per doctor’s advice


  • Vasanta Kusmakar Rasa with Gold
  • Indian Gooseberry
  • Enicostemma littrorale (Mammjaka Ghana)
  • Guduchi or Giloy
  • Turmeric
  • Yashada bhasma
  • Shilajit
  • Processed in Bilva Patra Swarasa


Shree Dhoopapapeshwar limited’s Madhumeha Kusmakar Ras Tablets are available in all Ayurcentral stores and on Ayurcentralonline.

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