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Published 17 Jul 2020


Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Neem oil is very beneficial for our hair and skin. It is extracted from the fruits and seeds of the neem tree. When used regularly, neem oil gives us healthier scalp and hair. It conditions the scalp, and promotes healthy hair growth. On the other hand, neem oil contains fatty acids, limonoids, vitamin E, triglycerides, antioxidants, and calcium, which are all good for our skin.

Neem oil for hair

Neem oil not only conditions the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth, it also seals hair follicles and delays graying of hair. Neem oil is also known to reduce dandruff and get rid of head lice.

Since the oil is rich in fatty acids, limonoids, vitamin E, triglycerides, antioxidants, and calcium, all these are good for our hair as well. Applying neem oil on our scalp delivers all these nutrients directly into our hair, leading to healthy and thick hair.

Promotes hair growth: Neem oil supports healthy cell division and makes the hair follicle strong, thereby helping the hair to grow. It also prevents hair loss and protects the hair from damages by pollution, stress or medication.

 Prevents baldness: Neem oil’s anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antioxidant properties prevent baldness. It also treats scalp problems like scalp psoriasis, which leads to permanent hair loss.

Gets rid of dandruff: The presence of an important ingredient—nimbidin—in the oil, helps to suppress inflammation. This in turn treats dermatitis, psoriasis, or other scalp irritation. Neem is also antifungal, so it treats dandruff and irritation because these sometimes result from yeast that builds up on the scalp.

Removes lice: A study has shown that neem oil kills head lice larvae after 5 minutes of treatment. It also kills adult head lice after 10 minutes of applying the oil on our hair. This is due to azadirachtin present in the oil. Azadirachtin affects the hormones, and makes it difficult for the insects to grow and lay eggs.

Prevents premature graying: Neem oil can combat hormonal imbalances, and can, therefore, help in delaying premature graying of your hair.

Conditions dry hair: The fatty acids like linoleic, oleic, and stearic acids present in neem oil nourish the scalp and hair. These fatty acids also revitalize and condition dry and rough hair.

Treats scalp infections: Neem oil’s properties like anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral, treats scalp infections. It also has a cooling effect which gives relaxation.

Neem oil for the skin

Neem oil has immense benefits on the skin. It not only cures acne but is also an effective spot treatment and handles hyperpigmentation skin issues as well. Due to its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, it is used as a treatment for skin diseases and infections.

Moisturises the skin: Vitamin E and essential fatty acids present in neem oil heal dryness of the skin. It also restores the protective layer of the skin and reduces moisture loss.

Soothes inflamed and itchy skin: Neem oil soothes red, itchy, inflamed skin that are caused due to acne, burns, eczema, psoriasis, and rashes. Regular use of neem oil stops production of histamine and other irritants which soothes the skin. The ingredient nimbidin help in treating eczema and dermatitis. The oil’s antiseptic and antibacterial properties fight skin infections as well.

Heals wounds: Neem oil is also used for healing minor wounds. Its antiseptic properties work on minor cuts and abrasions. When neem oil is applied onto the wounds or to injured skin, it enhances the immunity and speeds up the healing process. An Ayurvedic study has shown that neem oil becomes even more effective in healing wounds when used with turmeric.

Saves the skin from insects: Neem oil works as insects repellent and saves the skin from insect bites. It is an effective mosquito repellent, and especially effective against anopheles, the mosquitoes that spread malaria. You can apply neem oil directly on the skin but after diluting with sesame oil or almond oil. Alternatively, you can burn it in diffuser lamps.

How to use neem oil on the skin

Ensure that you have organic, 100 percent pure, cold-pressed neem oil. It should be stored in a cool, dark place. Before putting neem oil on your face, do a patch test on your hand. Lightly dab the neem oil onto an affected area using a cotton swab or cotton ball. Leave it on the skin for about 20 minutes so that it soaks in well. Then wash the oil off with warm water


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