They say a mother knows everything, but does a mother really know everything? From my sixteen years of experience in this area, I can definitely say that there is a lot that a mother may not know. She has her fair share of doubts and worries, mistakes and sorries.
There is no magic spell that could embark the wisdom of motherhood to a young maiden in a day or for that matter in nine months. It’s all about learning and evolving all along through the way. With my first kid, I knew nothing about breast feeding and battled for five days to get each drop to feed the new born. While I felt all equipped, experienced, prepared and ready for my second born, he bluntly refused to drink my milk.
There is no one way to ascertain this journey of motherhood but all we can do is persistently try and improve to give the best we can. These are little things we do that makes a mother the idol she is, like even though the market was all in hype about the baby food I stood by AyurvedicKhichdi for my infants until 3 years. Their three time meal was rice and moong dal boiled with lots of veggies. This is something they even love today!
Similarly, I switch the snacks and biscuits by fruits and nuts. These little things matter a lot in developing the health and habits of a young child. The soap in my house is often a pack of besan and dahi or neem and aloe ; similarly the moisturizer is always Brihatri moisturizing lotion.
These natural products and ingredients not just caress their skin but protect it from all the wear and tear . Whether you call it going back to our ancestors or a traditional way of raising my kids but these tricks has definitely worked magic for their skin, immunity, brain development and overall well being.
So, though I don’t know everything about doing it right but I know for sure that sticking close to nature as far as possible is a boon for my kids. The natural ingredients are easy to make and safe to use and you can also buy Ayurvedic products like Brihatri moisturizing lotion from your nearest AyurCentral stores.
Give your child the best care of nature.
Get it from your nearest Ayurcentral store or just order it online at or call 7349744446