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Published 14 Aug 2020

Tulsi mantra drops for overall immune enhancement

Tulsi mantra Dr. Juneja’s Tulsi Mantra drops is presented as one of the best immunity boosters in the market. A…

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Tulsi mantraTulsi mantra

Dr. Juneja’s Tulsi Mantra drops is presented as one of the best immunity boosters in the market. A thrice-a-day dose of Tulsi Mantra drops relives cough, common cold and other respiratory and poor immunity related diseases. It also enhances lung functions and improves resistance against all kinds of diseases.

In India, people have used Tulsi plant for boosting their immunity from days immemorial. Dr. Juneja’s Tulsi Mantra drops is a mixture of the five variety of Tulsi; Rama Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi, Van Tulsi, Vishnu Tulsi and Shukla Tulsi. This powerful concentrate extracted from these powerful plants help in a variety of functions including immunity enhancement, stress relief and anti-viral qualities.


Apart from being regarded as a medicinal herb, Tulsi is also regarded a sacred herb in India and is revered across the country. Tulsi is rich in vitamins A, C and K, minerals such as Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium and Zinc which make it a natural immune booster. It also provides a large amount of protein and fiber. All of these nutrients are available in Tulsi Mantra Drops, making it a very powerful immunity enhancer.

T-helper cells and natural killer cells, the key fighters in our immunity system benefits from Tulsi extracts and this means there will be a boost for the speed at which immunity system reacts to pathogens on regular consumption of Tulsi Mantra drops.

Tulsi detoxifies the body. Its diuretic effects minimize uric acid levels in the body, providing relief to patients suffering from gout. Ocimunocides A and B in Tulsi results in reduction of stress and balances happiness generating serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Eugenol, a pain relieving agent in Tulsi, also makes it a reliever of pain in the body.

Tulsi is very effective in combating respiratory illnesses like cough and cold. It helps reduce congestion in the chest. Tulsi extracts with honey and ginger is effective in treatment of Bronchitis and asthma.


Dr. Juneja’s Tulsi Mantra drops with the goodness of Tulsi plant which has stood the scrutiny of time and provided immunomodulatory impact for thousands of years is the right product to enhance the immunity and secure the health of ourselves and our near and dear ones.


 Rama Tulsi

Krishna Tulsi

Shukla Tulsi

Vishnu Tulsi

Van Tulsi

 USES OF Tulsi mantra DROPS

 Dr. Juneja’s Tulsi Mantra drops is rich in vitamins that gives it a high anti oxidizing property.

It helps muster mucus in Asthma and Bronchitis

It is a natural immunity booster with no side effects

It slows down the degeneration of cells and hence is an anti-ageing agent.

It has anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

It raises the levels of psychological and nervous activity in the body

Tulsi Mantra drops relieve inflammation

It is a highly reliable anti-septic

It has its application in relieving fever, cold, cough and flu like symptoms.

It has high carminative properties and relieves flatulence

It is a diuretic

It calms the skin and senses.

It relieves stress caused by mental and emotional conditions as well as poor lifestyle


Tulsi drops tends to lower blood sugar levels, a warning to diabetes patients

Since Tulsi Mantra drops is a high concentrate is better to avoid consuming directly. It is ideal to add few drops in a glass of water and consume.


Take two or three drops of Tulsi Mantra drops in a glass of water two or three times a day or as advised by the physician.


 Tulsi helps enhance children’s health. In limited dosages Dr. Juneja’s Tulsi Mantra drops are safe for children. Ideally half the dosage of adults is recommended for children.

 SIDE EFFECTS Of Tulsi mantra

 No side effects have been reported because of the consumption of Tulsi Mantra drops.  However, it is important not to overdose this medicine. The effectiveness of the medicine is best experienced in limited doses.

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