

Two Public sector research institutes under the Government of India, National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), in 2015, developed a formula derived from six highly rated and indigenously occurring ayurvedic plants for the treatment of Diabetes. This was named Blood Glucose Regulator 34 (BGR 34). BGR 34 was made available for over-the-counter sales across the country in tablet form in 2016.

Over the years many pharmaceutical companies have adapted the formula owing to its demand in the market. CSIR claimed BGR tablet to be the first Indian Ayurvedic anti-diabetic drug that was prepared and tested in a modern lab. The research team was awarded the CSIR Technology Award 2016 in the life sciences category for developing this formula.

As of December 2019, India ranked the second-highest number of diabetic patients in the world. Many Indians are not convinced with the available treatments in the conventional medical system most of which affect the heart and kidney health in the long run. BGR tablet is an ayurvedic formula to treat diabetes. It is made from herbs like Guduchi and Dharuharidra hence is less likely to have any major side effects. BGR 34 was also competitively priced at Rs.5/500 mg to make it accessible for everyone in the country.



Daruharidra –This herb is renowned for its ability to reduce blood sugar levels. It also improves insulin sensitivity and promotes the dissolution of more glucose by the cells and tissues thus lowering diabetes.

Guduchi – It is also known as Giloy and is used traditionally by ayurvedic physicians to tackle diabetes. A lot of scientific studies have also proven its efficacy in bringing down blood sugar levels and improving overall immunity.

Methi – It is another herb whose efficacy in bringing down blood sugar levels has been proven by many studies. It is known as Fenugreek in English.





BGR tablets a uniquely designed formula with high hypoglycemic potential to reduce blood sugar.

It helps reduce the surge in blood sugar levels in after consumption of regular meals (Controls Post Prandial Hyperglycemia)

It helps to balance the insulin and glycogen levels in the blood and thus regulates blood sugar levels.

It is rich in anti-oxidants and hence is immune modulatory.

It nourishes the pancreas and promotes proper functioning.

It helps reduce the frequent urge for urination which occurs due to diabetes.

It improves the quality of blood flow in the heart and is cardio-protective

BGR tablets are also effective in reducing other symptoms of diabetes like fatigue and thirst.




Type 2 Diabetes




It is recommended to take two BGR tablets twice a day before meals.

Diabetes is a serious condition and hence it is best to consult a physician to know your personalized dosage before consuming this product.

The ingredients in this product might react with allopathic drugs and hence it is recommended to consume it at least 15 minutes after or 2 hours before consuming your allopathic medicines.



Pregnant women are advised to strictly consume this medicine only under medical supervision. This medicine is safe for geriatric people.

This medicine is safe to consume for lactating women and during menstruation.

It is possible to notice visible changes and improvements in routine blood sugar readings in two to three months when BGR tablets are coupled with a proper diet plan.

This medicine was scientifically tested for toxicology and proven safe.



Long term studies on this product have not been conducted to verify any side effects.

However, No Side effects are reported so far on the consumption of this product.



BGR 34 tablets manufactured with maximum efficacy are available in our store. Click here to buy.

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