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Published 22 Sep 2023

Revitalize Your Life: Overcoming Diabetes the Positive Way

Dr. Pampa Shankar
Table Of Contents

Due to the worldwide increase in diabetes occurrences, there is an urgent need for effective treatment alternatives that go beyond symptom suppression. Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system, offers a comprehensive holistic approach to managing diabetes that addresses both the physical symptoms and the underlying imbalances contributing to the disease. It is grounded in the concepts of balance and harmony.

Types of diabetes:

There are several types of diabetes, each with its underlying causes and management approaches. The main types of diabetes include Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes, Monogenic diabetes, Secondary diabetes, and Prediabetes.

Diabetes in Ayurveda:

According to Ayurveda, it is a metabolic syndrome primarily caused by an imbalance in the Kapha and Pitta doshas (bio-energies), as well as impeded digestion (Agni). Kapha, which embodies the water and earth elements, refers to surplus weight and congestion, while Pitta, represented by fire and water, relates to metabolism and digestion. When Agni weakens, it hinders the proper digestion and absorption of food, resulting in the accumulation of undigested substances known as Ama. In Ayurveda, ama is considered a toxic residue that obstructs bodily functions, including insulin production and utilization.

Causes of diabetes in terms of Ayurveda

  • Kapha imbalance
  • Pitta imbalance
  • Vata imbalance
  • Ama accumulation
  • Hereditary factors
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Emotional factors
  • Excessive intake of unctuous foods (Snigdha Ahara)
  • Emotional factors

Symptoms of diabetes based on imbalances of dosha:

  • Excessive thirst (Trishna)
  • Frequent urination (Prameha)
  • Fatigue and weakness (Kshaya)
  • Unexplained weight loss (Ama Lavana Gaurava)
  • Burning sensation (Daha)
  • Numbness and tingling (Toda)
  • Increased appetite (Ati Bhojana)
  • Weak immunity (Vyadhi Daurbalya)
  • Blurred vision (Drishya Bhrama)
  • Slow wound healing (Vrana Daurbalya)

 Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes management:

Dietary Modifications: Ayurveda emphasizes the necessity of a balanced diet customized to an individual's constitution (Prakriti), imbalances (Vikriti), and the specific doshas involved. Preferring whole foods, such as bitter gourds, fenugreek, turmeric, and a variety of whole grains, can help manage blood sugar levels. It is also recommended to limit processed sugars, carbs, and dairy consumption.

Herbal interventions: Ayurveda uses a variety of herbs to manage diabetes. Tvak (Cinnamon), Karela (Bitter melon), Meshashringi (Gymnema), Arista (Neem), and other herbs are known for their ability to reduce blood sugar levels. These herbs are used in formulations that are made specifically for a person's dosha imbalances and constitution.

Lifestyle Modifications: According to Ayurveda, It is a result of a sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended to engage in regular physical activity to improve insulin sensitivity, promote Agni (the digestive fire), and improve digestion. Exercises like yoga and pranayama (breath control) can be extremely helpful in controlling stress, which is directly related to diabetes.

Detoxification (Panchakarma): Ayurveda promotes detoxifying regularly to eliminate Ama and restore balance. Panchakarma, a group of therapies that include massage, steam, and herbal treatments, can help cleanse the body and rejuvenate the tissues, improving insulin sensitivity and general metabolic efficiency.

Stress Management: Stress is a major contributor to this ailment. Ayurveda recommends stress-management practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation to maintain hormonal balance.

Ayurvedic formulations: The customized formulations Mehon, Madhuhar Churna and Pramehanth (Brihatri) are familiar anti-diabetic medicines. The herbal ingredients used in these are intended to balance blood sugar levels. It effectively lowers sugar levels, reduces insulin resistance, and lowers the risk of high glucose levels.

Personalized Approach: The personalized approach of Ayurveda to its management is one of its most significant achievements. Before developing a thorough persoanalized plan, Ayurvedic practitioners assess an individual's constitution, dosha imbalances, digestive capacity, and lifestyle. This individualized approach emphasizes that each person's experience is unique and necessitates a comprehensive understanding of their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Validation in the Modern Era:

While Ayurvedic techniques have been utilized for millennia, recent research is shedding light on their efficacy in the management of diabetes. Several research studies have been conducted to investigate the blood sugar-lowering benefits of herbs such as bitter melon and cinnamon. Furthermore, the emphasis on stress reduction, a healthy lifestyle, and dietary changes corresponds with modern medical practitioners' recommendations for its care.

Ayurvedic thoughts and approaches to its ailment management provide a holistic perspective that addresses the underlying causes of the problem rather than simply treating symptoms. Ayurveda provides a full toolkit for patients wishing to treat this ailment while increasing their entire quality of life by focusing on tailored care, dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and stress management. Integrating these holistic techniques into its regimens holds promise for a more balanced and harmonious approach to health and well-being as current science continues to support the efficacy of Ayurvedic practices. However, before making any significant modifications to their diabetes care routine, people should consult both Ayurvedic practitioners and medical doctors.

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