
Sandalwood Oil For Healthy Skin

Sandalwood Oil

You’ll have to wear your skin every day for the rest of your life so better be cautious. While buying apparels we focus on so many prospects and skin being the permanent clothing for your body it definitely deserves some attention.

Skincare is a natural and essential part of one’s regime just as casual as brushing your teeth or bathing your body. It’s not a luxury but a necessity for your body. And with some awesome secrets from grand ma’s book, you get the best of your skin with all natural ingredients.

Today we stumbled upon one such amazing skin care herbal product that’s sandalwood oil. Let’s see how sandalwood works wonder on the top covering of your body.

Moisture Balance

Sandalwood oil is an amazing moisture regulator for the skin. It is a great astringent that opens up clogged pores, removes dust and dirt and regulates the sebum production in the skin. It also works well as an absorb of the excess oil and provider of the essential quantum of oil to the dry skin making it soft and supple.

Anti-Aging Formula

An elixir of youth, Sandalwood oil destroys the harmful free radicals that are responsible for casting an aging effect on the skin.

Even toned skin

No matter what colour you are, an even tone skin makes you look beautiful and gorgeous. Sandalwood oil is ladened with skin lightening properties that help reduce tan and discolorations. It is also very effective in removing discoloration, scars, dark marks  and patches on the skin giving it a radiant even tone look

Fights acne

Acnes are nasty and painful! Sandalwood wood is the perfect armour to combat the stubborn acne that keeps coming back to you again and again. Sandalwood balances oil on the skin and prevents, soothes and eliminates the zits. It’s antibacterial and antiseptic properties help to fight off acne causing bacteria and the anti-inflammatory properties cure inflammation and redness.

Moisturizes dry skin

Flaky dry skin appears dull and ugly. Sandalwood oil is a great natural moisturizer that softens the skin by increasing its ability to retain moisture. 

Bright, Clean And Flawless Skin

The maidens from old books swore to sandalwood for a beautiful skin. It is a remedy to all the skin woes. It treats dry or oily skin, removes scars, soothes itches, cures blemishes, spots or eczema. Blessed with deep cleansing properties and astringent effects sandalwood oil is a lady’s best friend.

Alleviates severe skin conditions

The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of sandalwood oil help destroy bacteria and germs. It offers a soothing relief to itching and redness caused by skin diseases such as eczema, rosacea and psoriasis. 

Antiseptic Agent

Sandalwood oil is the fairy’s syrup for healing wounds. Its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties make it a great lotion for minor cuts, injuries and wounds. It not only heals the wound but also removes the scar. It is used to prevent injuries, lesions, boils, blemishes, etc. from getting infected or gangrenous. 

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