
Swarnamukhi face cream FOR A GLORIOUS FACE

Swarnamukhi Face Cream from Kerala Ayurveda is a naturally prepared herbal face cream to improve your facial skin and provide a youthful improved face. Being an ayurvedic product it is free of petrochemicals and other harmful ingredients and hence will have no negative impact on your skin.


The face is the index of the mind says an ancient proverb. It is the hard reality, despite the campaigns to call for accepting everyone in their own natural looks; it is unavoidable to be judged on your external appearances. In the rush to improve our looks we end up trying products that actually do more harm in the long term than good. Swarnamukhi face cream is your answer to this dilemma. Made exclusively from time tested herbs praised in the ancient ayurvedic texts, this formula is best to nourish your facial skin and give you a confident and youthful look.



Sandalwood or Chandana is the most widely used traditional ingredient to improve skin health and improve complexion.  It detoxifies the facial skin and purifies it of pollutants. Being a coolant, Sandalwood is renowned to help in reducing inflammation on the skin thus helping in reducing acne, scars, and other bruises on the face.


Lodhra or Symplocos is another herb widely propagated in ancient ayurvedic texts for skin health. It is renowned to help in making the skin tight and firm by improving skin elasticity. It is also an effective wound healer which is also indicated in removing acne, scars, inflammations, and skin infections.


Kanaka Taila is a sesame oil medicated with ayurvedic herbs. A plethora of herbs including mulethi, nagakeshera, utpala and manjistha amongst other herbs are infused in sesame oil to make a panacea for skin health – Kanaka Taila. It tones and balances the skin removing blemishes and spots.


Lotus flower’s best known property is moisturizing the skin. It is rich in anti-oxidants and helps improve complexion of the face. It is also a coolant and helps prevent inflammations.


Aloevera is the best herb to nourish your facial skin. It’s a mildly alkaline and is rich in various nutrients to restore youthfulness in the face. With anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and cooling properties there is an ocean of benefits in this herb which is transferred to Swarnamukhi Face Cream.


The powerful ayurvedic ingredients are infused in this natural cream, to provide the best side-effects free cosmetic for your face.



It helps slow down and reverses premature aging. It is helpful in treating premature aging due to overexposure to the sun and also due to poor lifestyle and stress.

Acne caused by oily skin, bacteria, and dead cells will vanish on regular application of Swarnamukhi Face Cream from Kerala Ayurveda.

Dark spots and age spots in the skin and other uneven skin tones can be alleviated by the regular application of this herbal face cream.

It helps in vanquishing dull skin

It is also effective in improving dry skin as it hydrates the skin cells.

It helps balance oil content in the skin

Swarnamukhi Face Cream moisturizes the skin.



Apply Swarnamukhi Face Cream liberally and rub all over the face after washing your face thoroughly with soap and drying it completely.

This product can replace your regular Face Creams.


While applying the creams on your face avoid contact with the eyes and mouth.

If contacted rinse thoroughly. If any discomfort is noticed, contact an ayurvedic doctor.

Keep out of the reach of children



This face cream is made from a pure ayurvedic formula and is devoid of any side effects.

If your skin is allergic to any of the ingredients use this product with caution. If any allergic reaction is noticed, then stop using and immediately report to an ayurvedic doctor.



Swarnamukhi Face Cream is available in our store. 

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