
Ayurvedic massage oil for beautiful skin

Ayurvedic massage oil

Healthy glowy skin is what everyone wishes for, no matter what gender or age. The image in the mirror is much more than a mere reflection. It is a gleam of self-confidence, content, and happiness.

But unfortunately, there is no singular potion that can endow a sparkling glow to all. It takes regular care and a healthy lifestyle for the skin to glow. After all, the skin is just a window to everything within it.

Ayurveda advises effective natural techniques to restore the baby glow even in adult age. It stands strong against the use of chemicals and toxins on the skin. They offer temporary beauty while ripping the skin of its natural glow.

According to Ayurveda, a person who lives a stress-free life, eats a healthy balanced diet, sleeps peacefully at night and leads a righteous life, his skin glows and he always looks youthful.

One such lifestyle activity that can bring the boon of beautiful skin is abhyanga or Ayurvedic massage. Ayurveda advocates the efficiency of oil massages in curing pain, correcting digestion woes, improving organ functions and boosting blood circulation.

Ayurvedic oil massages can work wonders on the skin. From fading scars to lightening stretch marks, removing blemishes and pigmentation to lightening skin complexion, Ayurvedic oil massage is the tried and tested formula.

Here are three best Ayurvedic massage oil trusted for centuries for its efficacy on the skin.


3 best Ayurvedic massage oil


Ksheerabala Taila – Brihatri

Ksheerabala Taila is an ayurvedic medicated oil beneficial for treating musculoskeletal diseases. It brings relief from pain, stiffness, inflammation, and swelling. The oil also has rejuvenating properties that help in repairing damaged tissues. Regular use of this Ayurvedic oil provides great nourishment to the nerves, brain, and spinal structures.




A 100% natural and safe composition consisting of potent ingredients like Tulasi, Yastimadhu, Nimba, Amlaki, Shodhita kasisa. Ksheerabala Taila also rejuvenates the skin while healing the body.

Doctors often recommend it as a nervine tonic. It helps to tone up the muscles, nerves and brain. Ksheerabala Taila is also found very effective in weight loss and general debility.


Abhyanjana Taila – New Bhuvanendra Ayurvedic Pharmacy


Abhyanjana Taila is an ayurvedic herbal massage oil that has been used for centuries. Massaging the skin with this oil brings a radiant glow. Its medicinal properties help in soothing the skin and healing wounds.

This age-old oil is prepared with potent herbs like Manjishta, Haridra, Lodhra, Musta, Mamsi, Triphala, Ketaki and Hrivera. Abhyanjana Taila works wonders in treating dry and scaly skin, itching, burning sensation of extremities.




This 100% natural blend of herbs leaves a mild fragrance on the skin. It is best used 30 minutes before bath and washed off with soap. It can also be used for bedtime massage.



Yashtimadhuka Taila – Brihatri


Yasthimadhu Taila from Brihatri is hailed by Ayurvedic doctors for its multifarious benefits. It is the most commonly used Ayurvedic oil blended with medicinal herbs. Packed with flavonoids, phytoestrogens, and other essential oils, this oil promotes the health of the scalp and nourishes hair growth.

Yashtimadhu Taila is highly beneficial for tackling hair fall and premature greying. It yields the best results when used for long-term, once or twice a week. This self-massage oil is intensely detoxifying and goes deeper into the tissues.




It encourages blood circulation and nourishes the skin. This Ayurvedic herbal oil is 100% chemical-free and has no known side effects.


Take Away

Ayurvedic oil massage is a relaxing and rejuvenating experience that drains the toxins and negativity. This simple routine can ward off stress and emotional distress that can cause adverse effects on the skin. Dark spots, acne, aging are often the results of stress and turmoil.

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