
Bruhath dhanthapala thailam FOR SKIN HEALTH AND MORE

Bruhath Dhanthapala Thailam is an ayurvedic formula straightly lifted from the ancient ayurvedic texts to treat a host of troubles, be it pains or infections. This oil is for topical application, enriched with powerful herbal ingredients to relieve various illnesses.  Bruhath Dhanthapala Thailam is composed of castor oil as a base oil and is enriched primarily with Swetha Kutaja or Wrightia Tinctoria (Indigo). Bakuchi and Jothishmathi are also infused in the oil in minor quantities.



Swetha Kutaja is renowned for its host of medicinal applications.  In Ayurveda, it is considered one of the best herbs to treat most problems related to the hair and scalp. It helps prevent hair fall. It is effective in controlling and at times even in reversing premature greying of hairs. Indigo nourishes the scalp on topical application and helps remove dirt and in the prevention of dandruff. It is also indicated in piles, as an aphrodisiac and problems related to bile production. It is also used in some ayurvedic systems to get rid of kidney stones.


Swetha Kutaja is any day more significant for its topical application. It nourishes the skin slowing down the aging process in the skin. This helps retain youthfulness. It helps in all skin conditions. With coconut oil, it is effective in removing scaling and also indicated for psoriasis.

An Indian scientist from Sam Higginbotham Institute named Ranjini Srivatsava in her research paper titled “A review on phytochemical, pharmacological, and pharmacognostic profile of Wrightia tinctoria: Adulterant of kurchi” has confirmed the presence of anti-diarrheal, anti-dysenteric and anti-hemorrhagic agents in Swetha Kutaja. The study also reaffirmed the possibility of using this herb to treat psoriasis and other skin conditions.



Bruhath Dhanthaphala Thailam is powered by Swetha Kutaja and Coconut oil. Coconut oil is very efficient in penetrating the skin and nourishing the tissues beneath. It is also a standalone medicine for hair fall, dandruff and skin health.

Bakuchi is also effective in treating skin conditions and in relieving pain. Jothismathi or the Intellect plant is a very potent pain reliever. It is indicated mainly in neurological diseases. It shall also be used to treat osteoarthritis, sciatica, muscle pain, backache etc.

This combination is topped by other herbs to make Bruhath Dhanthapala Thailam an efficient and powerful formula.


It is very useful to improve skin health. This thailam, on the regular application, can have an anti-aging impact on the skin making it youthful, supple, and soothe.


Bruhath Dhanthapala Thailam is indicated in the treatment of Psoriasis and other skin infections

It is effective in treating cramps and other painful muscular conditions. It is also useful in relieving muscle pain and muscle tear.

It is used in the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

This thailam is massaged for back pain and pain in the joints.

It has high efficacy is relieving sports injuries.



The affected area is cleaned and patted dry.

Then Bruhath Dhanthapala Thaila is applied liberally in the affected area and gently massaged.

The oil is left on the skin for at least 30 minutes. Ideally for one hour.

Then it is washed off with hot water dips. At times your ayurvedic physician might indicate Mulgadi Churna for removing the oil. This is a good option but is not mandatory.



Apply the oil two times a day with almost equal intervals in between applications (example: apply in the morning and at night)



This is a chemical-free composition and is a 100% herbal formula. Hence there are no side effects for this product.



It is best to consult an ayurvedic physician to know if this oil is suitable for you.

If you are allergic to indigo or any other major ingredients then please don’t use this product

The product is normally safe and effective for all skin types and all types of people.

One thought on “Bruhath dhanthapala thailam FOR SKIN HEALTH AND MORE

  1. Swathy says:

    Can it be use on oily face?

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