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Baby’s skin is very sensitive and soft and the cloth used to wrap the little life needs to be smooth, soft and tender. Wash all the clothes new or old before using it, as there might be synthetic chemicals, dirt, perfumes which might act as an irritant. Even the mother’s clothes should be sterilized as the baby would come in contact with them.
The clothes used for bedding, blanket and clothing should be fumigated with disinfectants and harsh detergents should not be used to wash baby’s clothes. Make sure the clothes are always dry and clean to avoid rashes and skin infections.
Abhyanga or Oil Massage
Abhyanga or Ayurvedic oil massage is a very important part of growth for the initial months of a newborn baby. The baby’s body should be massaged regularly with potent herbal oil as it strengthens and nourishes body, improves skin texture and accelerates the healthy growth and development of newborn. Bala Taila, is one of the best Ayurvedic oil for baby’s massage regime.
Bathing the baby
For the initial months, do not put the baby under water directly. Rather use a warm wet cloth to wipe off the baby’s skin and clean the little one or use a small tub to give a short bath 30 minutes after Abhyanga.
Baby’s Sleep
The baby needs ample of sleep in its initial days, a resting child should not be awakened suddenly nor should the sleep be disturbed. Do not cover the child’s face with blanket or cloth while sleeping.
Danta dhavana nishedham
It means avoiding brushing of teeth in the child. The teeth of child should not be brushed until the jaws become strong as it can cause gum bleeding and other dental disorders.
A vigilant eye
Newborn babies are very curious to explore the world around so one has to be very attentive to ensure the toddler do not pick up anything that’s harmful or dangerous. Do not toss the baby high in the air as it develops a sense of fear and insecurity in the mind of the child.
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Gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining, can lead to discomfort, bloating, and acidity. Ayurveda, the ancient science of natural…
Gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining, often causes symptoms like acidity, bloating, nausea, and abdominal discomfort. While conventional medicines…
Gastritis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining, is a common digestive issue that can lead to discomfort,…
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