
Shatavari Kalp For Lactation In New Mothers

shatavari kalp

Mother’s milk is an elixir to the newborn toddler. Brimmed with all the essential nutrients, it armors the little one whilst promoting growth and strength of the baby. A potent medicine, breast milk has many disease-fighting substances that help protect a baby from illness. For the first six months of a baby’s life, it is very important that the baby gets all the nourishment from its bearer.

Though a natural process, breastfeeding may not come naturally to many women. The supply of breast milk is affected by multiple factors like hormonal imbalance, chronic illness, stress, fatigue, and negative emotions. In such cases, galactagogue is usually recommended to increase lactation in new mothers. There are many herbs and supportive food items that help in the process of breastfeeding.

One eminent herb that new mother swears by is “the queen of herbs”, Shatavari. It is a well-known galactagogue ladened with important minerals like calcium, zinc and other essential vitamins. This amazing Ayurvedic herb can do wonders for breast milk supply. Not only does it increase the quantity of breast milk it also improves its quality.

Ayurveda highly acclaims the use of Shatavari for increasing breast milk supply in lactating mothers and this potent herb is included in almost all herbal formulations prepared to support breast milk.

Shatavari a boon to motherhood

Promotes hormonal balance: Prolactin is the most important hormone to ensure smooth flow of breast milk after pregnancy. Low level of prolactin hormone is one of the most common reasons for breast milk deficiency. Shatavari aids in the generation of two critical lactating hormones, prolactin and corticoids which are essential to ensure smooth breastfeeding for a new mother.

Relieves postpartum symptoms: Giving birth is a tough process and can take a toll on the new mother’s well being. Stress, anxiety, fatigue and negative emotions are often encountered among new mothers. These symptoms cast a negative impact on the breast milk supply. Shatavari aids in combating these postpartum symptoms.


Nutrient Profile

Rich in Calcium: Shatavari is rich in calcium which is essential for new mothers to support the development of the baby.

Vitamin C: Shatavari is ladened with the goodness of Vitamin C which is known to protect the body from free radical damage. It also boosts the body’s immunity and prevents viral infections. It is also important for the formation of collagen which helps form the skin and other connective tissues.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a much-needed nutrient for both the mother and the baby. It protects the body from toxins, prevents health conditions associated with the nerves in babies, improves immunity and helps maintain the health and vitality of the body.

Vitamin B6: Shatavari is rich in Vitamin B6, which boost the immune system and regulate bodily functions. It also prevents the occurrence of nausea and morning sickness which is common during the post-partum period.

Vitamin K: Vitamin K, that helps maintain the functions of blood vessels in the mother and baby, is also abundantly present in Shatavari.

Apart from these vital nutrients, Shatavari roots are blessed with various minerals such as copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and more. It is also blessed with the abundance of vitamin A, ascorbic acid and other essential fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid.

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