
Parkinsona: ayurvedic medicine effective in managing parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the gradual deterioration of nerve junctions, popularly known as ganglia. These junctions are situated at the base of the brain and affect the muscle control and movements of the body. The major symptom of the disease is tremor. Tremors start in the hands when the muscles are at rest.


The disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, which means that brain cells gradually start malfunctioning and eventually die. The disease damages the brain cells that make a chemical called dopamine. When dopamine gets reduced it leads to movement problems that mark Parkinson’s disease.


The main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include:


  • Uncontrollable shaking and tremors
  • Slowed movement
  • Balance difficulties and eventual problems in standing up
  • Stiffness in limbs


Ayurveda’s approach to Parkinson’s disease


Parkinson’s disease starts gradually over time. The early signs are barely noticeable. Gradually, a person’s movements start changing. The person’s movement becomes slow, and he finds difficulty in balancing or walking. His face also lacks expression, and due to hand tremors, handwriting may become small and cramped. The patient finds it difficult to sleep, eat, think, speak, smell, and even make decisions. As the disease matures, symptoms become more difficult to control.


In Ayurveda, Parkinson’s disease is called Kampavata. To treat this disease, Ayurveda aims at strengthening the nervous system as well as rejuvenating brain tissues for an overall improvement in the condition. As a part of the treatment, Ayurveda suggests home remedies along with personalised treatment which has proved to be effective.


As a person ages, the Vata dosha becomes predominant in the body, and relocates in the brain. This leads to drying up of the brain cells leading to tremors and instability in the body, particularly in the hands. When vitiation of Vata takes place, and occupies in almost all channels of the body, a person suffers from Parkinson’s disease.


Parkinson’s disease leads to weak digestive fire, disturbing digestion in the person. This is due to the presence of toxins called ama in Ayurveda. Weak digestive fire, disturbed digestion, and presence of toxins are generally found at gastrointestinal and cellular levels of a person, which provide conducive conditions for vitiation of Vata.


Ayurveda suggests several home remedies and herbs for digestion along with nerve tonics to restore digestive function both in the gastrointestinal tract and at a cellular level. Special diets are also advised. Treatment for Parkinson’s disease in Ayurveda includes neuro-rasayanas, which stimulate neurotransmitters and helps in overcoming problems while relaxing the mind.


Parkinson’s disease starts arising after the age of 50, but can also appear earlier in life.


While there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, Ayurvedic treatments can help to control the degeneration of brain cells, enhancing better motor movements. Ayurvedic medications and therapies can control some of the symptoms and improve quality of life for the patient.


Ayurvedic treatment, therefore, centers around the treatment of Vata disturbance. Massage and poultices are the main parts of the treatment. They rejuvenate the nervous system.


Parkinsona medicine is an effective solution



Parkinsona capsule is an Ayurvedic herbal formulation, manufactured by Ajmera Pharmaceuticals. It is an effective drug for Parkinson’s disease or Parkinsonism, which is generally observed in old people.




Ingredients of Parkinsona capsules

Agnitundi Vati: It is an ancient Ayurvedic herbal formulation comprising many aromatic, carminative, digestive herbs, which restores digestion by stimulating the release of digestive juices through the liver, pancreases and small intestine. In Ayurveda, Vati means tablet, and Agnitundi means treating nervous disorders and other weaknesses that take place due to aging.


Mahayogaraj Guggul: It is a traditional and highly effective Ayurvedic formulation that ensures relief from arthritis, gout, rheumatism or debilitating effects of paralysis. It is an herbal formulation with multiple benefits. It reduces joint pain and controls weight gain. It is also beneficial in nourishing the uterus and curing dysmenorrhea.


Brihat Vat Chintamani Ras: It acts as a tonic for the mind and heart and constitutes products like Swarna Bhasma, Abhrak Bhasma, Ras Sindur, and Rajat Bhasma. It is used to treat imbalance diseases caused by Vata dosha.



It is recommended to take one or two capsules thrice a day or as directed by your Ayurvedic physician.

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